
Resources is a collection of curriculum that is included in the Alephbeis App subscription.

  1. To print any of the resources go to: Home > Resources
  2. Make sure that you are on the right curricular level
  3. Find the desired resource
  4. Click on the item to download and print

Resources printing is licensed only for students on an active subscription.

Q &A

Question: With such a vast array of resources, I’m unsure where to begin.

Answer: Utilizing the ‘Category’ search feature can simplify navigation and help you discover the types of materials available.


Question: I’m searching for something specific, and I can’t locate it at the moment. I’m certain I’ve come across it before.

Answer: It’s most likely that you’re exploring the wrong curriculum level. Ensure that you are searching within the correct level.

Question: How can I create customized materials tailored to the specific needs of my students?

Answer: By default, you can access pre-existing materials categorized as “Stock,” requiring only a click to print. However, to create your own customized resources, navigate to Smart Sheets. There, you can generate materials tailored to your specifications. For a detailed step-by-step guide on generating personalized materials in Smart Sheets, refer to this article.

Updated on February 25, 2024

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